Run Docker Registry on Cloud Foundry
If you work a lot with Docker, you are probably used to the concept of having a Docker Registry, which allows you to store your images in a safe place. There’s a public registry that you can use for free at Docker Store. But what if you don’t want your images to be publicly available? What if you want to have your images in a safe place that you control? The solution is to deploy a private Docker registry. Doing so on Cloud Foundry is fairly easy.
Create Registry Binary
First, we need to create the registry’s binary to upload it to Cloud Foundry
using the Binary Buildpack.
For that, you need to have
Docker installed. Run a
git clone
on the
Docker Distribution repo on GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/docker/distribution.git
It is advisable to check out the latest tag of the repo to build. This will ensure that you have a supported version of Docker Distribution and therefore the registry.
Then cd
into it and compile it using Docker:
$ docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/go/src/github.com/docker/distribution" -w /go/src/github.com/docker/distribution golang make binaries
After the compilation, create a new folder anywhere on your computer and copy
the file bin/registry
into it. This is the binary file that contains the whole
registry application:
$ mkdir ~/registry && cp bin/registry ~/registry
This will be your working directory for this tutorial.
Create S3 Service
By default, the registry stores the pushed Docker images on the local file system. Since apps should be stateless according to the twelve-factor app manifest, we will change this behavior to use an S3 backend instead. Please follow this tutorial on my blog to create an S3 service with bucket and name the service “registry-storage”.
Create Redis Cache
This step is optional. If you omit it, though, you’ll have to remove all the Redis related stuff from the files described in the steps afterwards.
To improve the performance of our registry, we can add a Redis cache. First create one in Cloud Foundry:
$ cf create-service redis small registry-cache
Again, this example is using the Swisscom Application Cloud. If you’re using a different CF provider, the command might be different.
Create Manifest File
Now cd
into your registry folder and create a manifest.yml
file. Cloud
Foundry uses it to specify how your app should be pushed and started. Then paste
the following lines into it:
- name: registry
host: my-hostname
memory: 256M
- https://github.com/cloudfoundry/binary-buildpack.git
command: ./entrypoint-cf.sh
- registry-storage
- registry-cache
Don’t forget to change my-bucket
to your own bucket name, and the host
some hostname that isn’t taken yet. Furthermore, you’ll need to generate some
random string and use it as the REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET
Create Entrypoint Script
As you can see above, the manifest states an entrypoint script to be run as the
command. This script generates the registry’s config.yml
out of our service
configuration (which is in the VCAP_SERVICES
environment variable) and then
starts the app. Create the script under the name entrypoint-cf.sh
and fill it
with the following content:
set -e -u
if [ -z "${PORT}" ]; then
echo "Error: No PORT found" >&2
exit 1
if [ -z "${VCAP_SERVICES}" ]; then
echo "Error: No VCAP_SERVICES found" >&2
exit 1
s3_credentials="$(echo "${VCAP_SERVICES}" | jq -r '.["dynstrg"][0].credentials // ""')"
if [ -z "${s3_credentials}" ]; then
echo "Error: Please bind an S3 service" >&2
exit 1
s3_regionendpoint="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.accessHost // ""')"
s3_access_key="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.accessKey // ""')"
s3_secret_key="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.sharedSecret // ""')"
redis_credentials="$(echo "${VCAP_SERVICES}" | jq -r '.["redis"][0].credentials // ""')"
if [ -z "${redis_credentials}" ]; then
echo "Error: Please bind a Redis service" >&2
exit 1
redis_host="$(echo "${redis_credentials}" | jq -r '.host // ""')"
redis_port="$(echo "${redis_credentials}" | jq -r '.port // ""')"
redis_password="$(echo "${redis_credentials}" | jq -r '.password // ""')"
# Fill in template and write it to config.yml
echo "
version: 0.1
regionendpoint: https://${s3_regionendpoint}
region: nil
accesskey: ${s3_access_key}
secretkey: ${s3_secret_key}
disable: true
addr: :${PORT}
X-Content-Type-Options: [nosniff]
addr: ${redis_host}:${redis_port}
password: ${redis_password}
enabled: true
interval: 10s
threshold: 3
- addr: ${redis_host}:${redis_port}
timeout: 3s
interval: 10s
threshold: 3
" > config.yml
# Start the app
./registry serve config.yml
Then make the script executable by running the following command:
$ chmod +x entrypoint-cf.sh
Push the Registry
Your registry is ready to be pushed. Simply run the following command:
$ cf push
Your registry is ready to go!
Try It Out
Now you should be able to push a local docker image to your registry. Pull an example one from the Docker Store:
$ docker pull nginx
Then rename it to be pushed to your registry:
$ docker tag nginx my-hostname.scapp.io/my-nginx
Don’t forget to adjust the hostname “my-hostname” to the one you chose for your registry app in Cloud Foundry.
Then push it to your private registry:
$ docker push my-hostname.scapp.io/my-nginx
Now you can pull it using
$ docker pull my-hostname.scapp.io/my-nginx