Run Ghost on Cloud Foundry

This blog runs on Ghost. It’s a pretty light weight blogging platform based on Node.js. Let’s look into how it can be run on Cloud Foundry.

Create Services

To run Ghost, we’ll need two services: a database and an email server. First, let’s create the database. I’m using the Swisscom Application Cloud here, but you can use any Cloud Foundry provider. We’ll create a small MariaDB service which works like MySQL and therefore can be used by Ghost. Execute the following command to create it:

$ cf create-service mariadbent usage blog-db

Now, we can create our email service. The easiest way is to use Mailgun. Just create an account on their site for free and put the credentials into a user provided service in Cloud Foundry to link the two:

$ cf create-user-provided-service mailgun -p '{ "username": "<your-mailgun-smtp-login>", "password": "<your-mailgun-password>" }'

Replace the values in <> with your respective credentials.

Get the Source Code

Getting the Ghost source code is effortless. Just visit their releases page and download the latest one as a ZIP archive. Then unzip it and cd into the respective folder from your terminal.

Create Entrypoint Script

Ghost needs to be configured through a configuration file. We’ll call ours config.producton.json since it’s supposed to be suitable for a production blog. This file tells Ghost where to look for its database, which email server to use, and how it’s supposed to run the blog in general.

In Cloud Foundry, services are configured dynamically, which isn’t possible in a simple JSON file. We’ll work around this by creating a Bash script to read out the environment and create the config file on the fly. Create a new file called in the root folder of your app and paste the following content into it:


set -e -u

# App URL
app_uri="$(echo "${VCAP_APPLICATION}" | jq -r '.application_uris[0] // ""')"

# Database
db_credentials="$(echo "${VCAP_SERVICES}" | jq -r '.["mariadbent"][0].credentials // ""')"
if [ -z "${db_credentials}" ]; then
  echo "Error: Please bind a MariaDB service" >&2
  exit 1
db_host="$(echo "${db_credentials}" | jq -r '.host // ""')"
db_username="$(echo "${db_credentials}" | jq -r '.username // ""')"
db_password="$(echo "${db_credentials}" | jq -r '.password // ""')"
db_database="$(echo "${db_credentials}" | jq -r '.database // ""')"

# Email service
email_credentials="$(echo "${VCAP_SERVICES}" | jq -r '.["user-provided"][0].credentials // ""')"
if [ -z "${db_credentials}" ]; then
  echo "Error: Please bind an Email service" >&2
  exit 1
email_username="$(echo "${email_credentials}" | jq -r '.username // ""')"
email_password="$(echo "${email_credentials}" | jq -r '.password // ""')"

# Create config file
jq -n "{
    url: \"${app_url}\",
    mail: {
        transport: \"SMTP\",
        options: {
            service: \"Mailgun\",
            auth: {
                user: \"${email_username}\",
                pass: \"${email_password}\"
    database: {
        client: \"mysql\",
        connection: {
            host: \"${db_host}\",
            user: \"${db_username}\",
            password: \"${db_password}\",
            database: \"${db_database}\"
    server: {
        host: \"\",
        port: ${PORT}
}" > config.production.json

# Initialize and Migrate DB
./node_modules/.bin/knex-migrator init
./node_modules/.bin/knex-migrator migrate

# Start the app
npm start

Then, make the script executable by running the following command:

$ chmod +x

This script gets all the necessary environment variables and uses jq (which comes pre-installed in the Node.js Buildpack) to create a config JSON string, which is then written into a config.production.json file. The script then executes a database migration (if necessary) and starts the app itself.

Now, all we’ll need to do is tell Cloud Foundry to run this script to start the app instead of calling npm start directly (which is the default for Node.js apps). We can do this in the manifest.yml file, which is where Cloud Foundry gets its instructions of how to run an app. Create a new file called manifest.yml in the root directory of the app and paste the following content in there:

  - name: my-blog
    memory: 256MB
    command: ./
      - blog-db
      - mailgun
      NODE_ENV: production

This tells CF to use the correct buildpack and to initiate the app with our entrypoint script. It also sets the NODE_ENV environment variable to production which optimizes Node.js and Ghost to run with better performance. Furthermore, it tells Cloud Foundry to bind the two services we’ve created above to our blog app.

The configuration for our app is done. All that’s left to do is run the following command to get our blog running in the cloud:

$ cf push

Welcome to the fabulous world of Ghost blogging!

Add Disqus (Optional)

Allowing your readers to comment on your blog posts is a great way to make your blog more interactive. Adding Disqus is a straightforward way to do so.

Simply visit their website, create an account and register your blog as a new site. Then, open content/themes/casper/post.hbs and look for a comment about Disqus in the file. There is a section that you’ll need to uncomment and replace the sample URL with the one of your blog. Follow the steps described in the comment there.

After that, run cf push and that’s it. Your blog is now interactive.

Add Object Storage (Optional)

At some point, you’ll want to upload images and other assets to be accessible from your blog (e.g. for blog post header pictures). If you do that now, the images will be lost whenever the app has to restart. So, we’ll need to save these images onto an S3 storage. The following paragraphs show how that can be done on the Swisscom Application Cloud as an example.

To do so, follow this tutorial to create an S3 service with bucket and name the service instance “blog-storage”.

Next, we’ll have to bind the app to our newly created service. Add the following line to the services part of our manifest.yml:

- blog-storage

Now we need to install the ghost-storage-adapter-s3 so that Ghost will know how to talk to our S3 service. To do so, run the installation commands from the link above in the folder where you have the Ghost repo. Cloud Foundry will try to install the dependencies for Ghost using yarn. Since the installation commands install the S3 storage adapter with npm, we’ll need to change that. This can simply be achieved by removing the yarn.lock file:

$ rm yarn.lock

Next, we’ll need to adjust our script to include the S3 service. Add the following lines where the services variables are read:

# Storage service
s3_credentials="$(echo "${VCAP_SERVICES}" | jq -r '.["dynstrg"][0].credentials // ""')"
if [ -z "${s3_credentials}" ]; then
  echo "Error: Please bind an S3 service" >&2
  exit 1
s3_endpoint="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.accessHost // ""')"
s3_namespace="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.namespace // ""')"
s3_access_key_id="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.accessKey // ""')"
s3_secret_access_key="$(echo "${s3_credentials}" | jq -r '.sharedSecret // ""')"

Then add the following part to the JSON config template at the bottom of the file:

    storage: {
      active: \"s3\",
      s3: {
        endpoint: \"${s3_endpoint}\",
        assetHost: \"https://${s3_namespace}${S3_BUCKET_NAME}\",
        accessKeyId: \"${s3_access_key_id}\",
        secretAccessKey: \"${s3_secret_access_key}\",
        bucket: \"${S3_BUCKET_NAME}\"

This tells Ghost to use the S3 storage adapter.

All that’s left to do is to push our app again:

$ cf push

And that’s it! All the images you upload now through the Ghost admin console will be stored in your S3 service.

Add Syntax Highlighting (Optional)

highlight.js allows you to get neat syntax highlighting for the code snippets you include in your blog posts (see example above). It supports many programming languages and different themes.

To get it into your blog, simply add the following snippets to the “Code injection” section of your Ghost settings:

Blog Header:

  .hljs {
    color: #a9b7c6;
    background: #282b2e;
    display: block;
    overflow-x: auto;
    padding: 0.5em;
  .hljs-bullet {
    color: #6897bb !important;
  .hljs-deletion {
    color: #cc7832 !important;
  .hljs-link {
    color: #629755 !important;
  .hljs-quote {
    color: #808080 !important;
  .hljs-meta {
    color: #bbb529 !important;
  .hljs-addition {
    color: #6a8759 !important;
  .hljs-type {
    color: #ffc66d !important;
  .hljs-selector-class {
    color: #e8bf6a !important;
  .hljs-emphasis {
    font-style: italic;
  .hljs-strong {
    font-weight: bold;

Blog Footer:

<script src="//"></script>

If you want to use a different theme (the one above is called androidstudio), you’ll have to copy the minified CSS from your theme into the <style> tags of the header and then add !important to all the colors, so they don’t get overwritten by Ghost’s theme.

This will load and initialize highlight.js. Hit “Save” to update your blog and enjoy colorful syntax highlighting!